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Pain treatment and analgesic therapy 4 years ago

For therapy of pain, it means medical treatment that has as its purpose the elimination of pain, whether it is a nociceptive pain or neuropathic. Pain therapy, also called analgesic or algology therapy, includes both the administration of drugs and surgical treatments, rehabilitation activities and psychotherapeutic support, depending on the type of pain to be treated and its causes.


The will to control pain has always characterized all human cultures. In this sense, pain therapy (or rather the attempt to modify the pain symptoms) has indeed very remote origins. Thus, already in primitive societies, shamans and sorcerers adopted magical religious practices (however related to the unconscious), aimed at removing the "evil spirit" considered responsible for the sufferings of the individual. This exogenous, purely "intrusive" concept of pain is already found in the Assyrian-Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations. The localization of the center of sensitivity in the heart dates back to the latter, a concept that will continue unaltered for centuries.

Pain Doctors carlstadt, NJ uses numerous tools: analgesic drugs, physical therapies, techniques very close to surgical operations known as 'blocks' and also, today in rare cases, exact neurosurgical procedures.

Analgesic drugs

Pain treatment with drug therapy mainly uses NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, always with good or excellent analgesic activity), weak opioids and strong opioids, anticonvulsants, and antidepressants (widely used in neuropathic pain) and local anesthetics.

The NSAIDs are usually the first step in the treatment of pain. These drugs are particularly useful in 'nociceptive' pain; however, if administered alone, they can usually be used only for limited periods due to the side effects, primarily affecting the upper digestive tract (burning, blood loss, ulcers).

Opioid drugs

The second step in the treatment of nociceptive pain is represented by weak opioids such as codeine, followed by strong opioids such as morphine. All opioids, weak and strong, act through a more or less intense filter or gate effect on the transmission of the pain impulse at the spinal cord and other districts of the central nervous system. In practice, opioids allow only a fraction of painful impulses to be transmitted to the cortex; at adequate doses, the gate closes completely, and the opioids completely suppress the transmission of painful impulses.

Strong opioids do not have the characteristic roof effect of NSAIDs: they control particularly intense acute pains such as those of the heart attack. But above all, precisely because of the absence of a 'roof effect' and the possibility of increasing the dosage, they are useful, often indispensable, to control the intense chronic pain caused by malignant tumors. As well as analgesia, the side effects of weak and strong opioids also develop in the central nervous system: sedation, drowsiness, vomiting, dizziness, risk of physical and mental dependence

Physical Therapy: roentgenterapia

Among the techniques of antalgic therapy by Carlstadt Pain Doctor, the most effective is roentgenterapia ( targeted administration of X-rays ). The electrons that are released in the irradiated tissues have a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Electrical stimulation of the nerve structures involved in the origin and transmission of pain can also be very useful. The TENS is based on this principle and is carried out with portable devices capable of stimulating the skin and nerve structures.

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